About Us
Vision and Mission
Organizational Chart
MEM Role
Laws and Regulations
Oil and Gas
Renewable Energy and Hydrogen
Our Business
Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas Concessions map
Oil and Gas Concessions Procedures
Oil and Gas Projects
Oil and Gas Statistics
Minerals Concessions map
Minerals Projects
Minerals Statistics
Minerals Centres
Minerals Concessions & Licensing procedures
Renewable Energy and Hydrogen
Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Projects
Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Statistics
Invest in Oman
MEM Initiatives
HSSE in Oil and Gas
HSSE in Renewable Energy
Database Centre
Media Center
MEM Role
About Us
MEM Role
Ministry Journey
Oil and Gas
Renewable Energy and Hydrogen
Vision and Mission
Organizational Chart
MEM Role
Laws and Regulations
Oil and Gas
Renewable Energy and Hydrogen
Ministry of Energy and Minerals Specialties:
Propose policies and plans for Energy and Minerals sector, and present them to the Council of Ministers for approval.
Implement policies and plans for Energy and Minerals sector and prepare studies to ensure optimum utilization of their resources.
Develop and Manage the Energy sector in accordance with the requirements of the Sultanate and the latest updates in the sector in coordination with the concerned authorities.
Conduct studies of available alternatives of Energy resources in order to achieve the implementation of the general state policy in this regard, in coordination with the concerned authorities.
Manage and supervise the conduction of the needed surveys for Oil and Gas resources, and the needed economic studies for any projects related to the exploitation of these resources in coordination with concerned authorities.
Supervise all activities related to Oil and Gas exploration, and its exploitation through companies with concession contracts.
Study global Oil and Gas markets to use for setting marketing policies for crude oil and natural gas production.
Conclude Oil, Gas, and Energy agreements with specialized companies and supervise the implementation of the agreements.
Safeguard the Sultanates interests with companies specialized in Oil, Gas, and Energy industry, and ensure their compliance to the related legislations.
Manage and supervise the governmental investments in both Oil and Gas sector inside Oman, in coordination with concerned authorities.
Prepare policies and plans for the basic geological structure of Oman, and develop the mining sector in line with the comprehensive national development policy, and present them to the Council of Ministers for approval.
Provide the organizational structure that encourages the growth and development of mining sector in coordination with concerned authorities.
Prepare geological and mining studies and researches to help the detection and exploration of mineral resources, and executing pre-economic feasibility studies for mineral exploitation projects.
Publish, provide in all available manners, and facilitate the obtaining of geological and mining information and data in coordination with the concerned authorities.
Supervise all activities related to mining exploitation and exploration and develop the discovered mineral wealth for exploitation.
Promote the exploitation of mineral ores available in commercial quantities, in coordination with concerned authorities.
Approve the designs of mines, quarries and quarrying plan, and follow up their implementation.
Supervise and control companies operating in the field of mines and quarries to ensure its compliance to the concluded legislation and agreements.
Propose drafts of laws and royal decrees, and issue regulations and decisions related to Ministry’s specialties.
Promote and develop cooperation in the specialties related to the Ministry with the concerned authorities in the countries and specialized regional and international organizations and institutions.
Represent the Sultanate in regional and international conferences, events and meetings related to the Ministry specialization.
Any other specialties determined by virtue of laws and Royal Decrees.